Background The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is a pioneering grant-making foundation headquartered in Accra, Ghana. AWDF was founded by and for African women. It aims to support the work of the African women’s movement for peace, equality, sustainable development and social justice. Since its founding in 2001, AWDF has continued to support a growing portfolio […]
Grantees Recognition Survey forms part of AWDF’s monitoring and evaluation instruments used to assess and ascertain the profound impact grantees are making in the lives of women and on the continent at large. AWDF has provided grants and technical support to over 1,340 women’s organisations in 43 out of the 54 countries in Africa and […]
“Women are not homogenous. We can be different but still find common ground to work together strategically. We cannot, must not, allow age, generation, class, ethnicity, education and professional lives, marital and motherhood statuses, diverse abilities and disabilities to divide us”. Prof Akosua Adomako Ampofo Feminism is sisterhood and sisterhood requires conversation and interrogation […]
Every girl and every woman has the right to health and the right to do what she chooses with her body. These rights affect her personal development, her participation in society, her livelihood and whether her family and community thrives. #SheDecides is a global movement to promote, provide, protect and enhance the fundamental rights […]