Center for Disability and Rehabilitation Uganda (CDR-Uganda) was founded in 2007 as a community based organisation involved in the rehabilitation of children and women with special needs. CDR-Uganda provides research based disability information, capacity building, promotion of childhood and women disability rights, advocacy and disability budgeting. The grant will enable CDR to increase accessibility of […]
Association Togolaise “Femmes et Sida” (ATFS) was founded in 1992 by a group of women from various backgrounds to promote the rights of women. ATFS is a national organisation in Togo that works mainly with women and girls. The grant awarded is to promote the voice and agency of women and girls with disabilities to […]
AMWIK was founded in 1982 by a group of women journalists prior to the UN Women’s Conference held in Nairobi in 1985, at a time when the voices of women and their issues received very little attention in the media. AMWIK’s objective is to promote an informed and resourceful society through professional development and transformation […]
Association De défense Des Droits Des Aide-ménagères et Domestiques was founded by immigrant young women domestic workers and officially registered in 2013 as a result of the violence and injustices they were facing in the cities. The objective of the organisation is to enhance the value of domestic work by promoting and protecting domestic worker […]
Association COTE COUR was formed in June 2011 by Mama Koné, an Actress and a Director with the aim of contributing to improving the standard of living of women and their strong involvement in the socio-economic and cultural development of their communities. The grant awarded is to support the cost of catering for 11 women […]
Arise Integrated Development Effort (AIDE) Uganda was formed in 2017 by a group of 30 women affected by and infected with HIV, single mothers and women with disabilities with an aim of using collective efforts to promote their socio-economic status. The group empowers women with knowledge of their rights, collective actions such as advocating for […]
Alliances for Africa (AfA) was established in 1993 in response to the apparent disorganization of the mainstream organisations in being able to link the various generations of rights such as civil with economic and social rights seen as the domain and preserve of women’s organisations. The grant will be used to deploy technology and empower […]
Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA) was founded by African women immigrants living in the United Kingdom to create space for African women to organize autonomously, network with each other, share skills and expertise, identify issues of concern and speak for themselves. The grant will enable AMwA to deepen and scale up the current grant in […]
Agenda Feminist Media was formed in 1987 to contribute to the goal of eradicating gender inequality and empowering women. Also, they aim to question and challenge current understandings and practices of gender relations while developing knowledge about how gender relations can be transformed. The journal is accredited by both the International Bibliography for the Social […]
ALC was founded, in part, to increase the participation of African women in African peace, security and development processes and institutions. The ALC has produced leading research and publications, on peace and leadership studies including the Journal of Leadership and Developing Societies. The grant will be used for the Legacy Fellowship and feminist knowledge product […]