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Archives by the author: Communications

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Posts by Communications


By Regional Network Of The Children and Young People Trust (RNCYPT) with support from African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) The Amplifying the Voices of Girls and Young Women in Governance project is a ten month African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) funded initiative that is implemented by Regional Network of the Children and Young People Trust […]

STANDING ON AFRICAN FEMINIST LAND : A reflection by Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah

The African Feminist forum was an event full of revolutionary love and heated discussion. It was a time of growth, and a time of healing. It was a time for us as Feminists to just be. Below is a reflection on the experiences of an AFF alum, and renowned blogger and the media co-coordinator for […]

Ebola: Local efforts were key in Sierra Leone

The Ebola crisis was a horror story. One that the communities it rocked were unprepared for– and often times failed to survive. All though this story of anguish is still left open ended, from it’s begining there has been a strong counter narrative. One of strength, of resilience and of communities coming together to fight, […]

Unlocking the Doors. Feminist Insights for Inclusion in Governance, Peace and Security

By: Dr. Awino Okech This is the third in a series of three African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) primers entitled Feminist Perspectives on Governance, Peace and Security. The primers are intended to: 1. Offer a review of the major debates on women, governance, peace and security in Africa. 2. Review and analyse women’s movements’ interventions in […]

Gender and Security in Africa

By: Dr. Awino Okech This is the second in a series of three African Women’s Development Fund primers entitled Feminist Perspectives on Governance, Peace and Security. The primers are intended to: 1. Offer a review of the major debates on women, governance, peace and security in Africa. 2. Review and analyse women’s movements’ interventions in governance, […]

Statecraft and Pursuing Women’s Rights in Africa

By: Dr. Awino Okech This is the first in a series of three African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) primers entitled Feminist Perspectives on Governance, Peace and Security. The primers are intended to: 1. Offer a review of the major debates on women, governance, peace and security in Africa. 2. Review and analyse women’s movements’ interventions in […]

Social stigma compounds desperate poverty of Guinea’s Ebola survivors

Billie Mcternan, journalist and AWDF writer traveled to Guinea to interview and visit grantee organizations given Ebola grants. This article was published in The Guardian A handwashing station in Fermessadou bears a label urging villagers to protect against Ebola. The village is close to Kissidougou, the epicentre of Guinea’s Ebola outbreak. Photograph: Ruth McDowall/AWDF   […]

Fourth African Feminist Forum:VOICE POWER AND SOUL, Harare, Zimbabwe 9-12 April, 2016

4th AFRICAN FEMINIST FORUM Harare, Zimbabwe April 9-12, 2016 It’s finally here! AWDF is honored to be hosting the fourth regional African Feminist Forum (AFF) in Harare, Zimbabwe from 10-12 April 2016 under the theme: African Feminism: Voice, Power and Soul. The forum will be preceded by a pre-forum of feminists from Francophone Africa, […]

Nigerian Feminist Forum Reacts : The Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill.

The Nigerian Feminist Forum expresses displeasure at the rejection of the Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill (GEOB). See below for the full press release: RE: Nigerian Senate Rejection of the Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill (GEOB). Lagos, 17th March 2016 – The rejection of the Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill (GEOP) by members of […]

International Women’s Week: A celebration of Voices and Truths.

                      At AWDF we recognize the importance of celebrating women in our daily lives and during the month of March we especially invite the public to join us in this joyous task. This year, we marked the day with three special events, each of which […]