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Archives by the author: Communications

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Posts by Communications

Preventing Violence against Women: A Primer for African Women’s Organisations

Why this primer? This primer provides an overview of key terms, trends, approaches, and evidence used to frame violence against women (VAW) prevention programming. It is designed to strengthen programming, advocacy, and research for evidence-based violence against women prevention in Africa. We hope that it will both contribute to individual learning and promote collective knowledge […]

Update: African Women Writers Workshop 2019

We are happy to share this update on the upcoming African Women Writers Workshop. The number of applications received was truly amazing and we’re excited by the high level of interest in the event. Screening is still ongoing, but due to the high number of qualified applications received, we are unable to respond to every […]

Honoring Dr Musimbi Kanyoro

All across the world, African women continue to drive change as they strive to make the world a better place for all. On Africa day this year, our partner and feminist sister, Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro, CEO of Global Fund for Women was honored by the African Diasporan Network for her incredible work in advancing Women’s […]

Theo Sowa named one of Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy

We’re excited to announce that Theo Sowa, AWDF’s CEO has been included on Apolitical’s second annual list of the 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy for 2019. 2019’s list includes other incredible activists, such as Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, Caren Grown and Michelle Obama. The list was created from over 9000 nominations from governments, […]

Calling all African Women Writers: African Women Writers Workshop 2019!

THE AFRICAN WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT FUND (AWDF)INVITES AFRICAN WOMEN WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS TO APPLY FOR THE AFRICAN WOMEN’S WRITERS WORKSHOP 2019. THIS 10-DAY WRITING WORKSHOP TAKES PLACE IN GHANA, FROM 21ST OCTOBER 2019 TO 30TH OCTOBER 2019. The workshop will be facilitated by award-winning writer Yewande Omotoso, and internationally acclaimed journalist, Sylvia Vollenhoven. This workshop is […]

Bread and Butter #2: Advancing Resources for Rural Women Farmers

  From 13-15 September 2018, the African Women’s Development Fund convened activists, scholars, researchers and policymakers to build a thoughtful, progressive and transformative vision for the Future of African Women and the Economy under AWDF’s Economic Justice and Security thematic area. This convening investigated the various ways that African feminists are engaged in critique, analysis […]