Kuvwuna Youth Foundation (KUYOFO)
$10,000 to provide sustainable means of generating income for women infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; support the education of OVCs and launch a campaign against gender based violence.
$10,000 to provide sustainable means of generating income for women infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; support the education of OVCs and launch a campaign against gender based violence.
$10,000 to train selected women in seed multiplication and para-vet (to identify and manage simple animal diseases); purchase, link and register seed growers with the Seed Control and Certification Institute (SCCI). Part of the grant was earmarked to for a goat rearing project.
$25,000 to purchase and install a peanut butter processing machine. Part of the grant was used to train a selected number of women farmers in modern techniques of groundnut cultivation, processing and packaging.
$15,000 to set up income generating activities for women living with HIV/AIDS.
$5,000 to purchase a fishing boat and train 20 women in fishing net and basket weaving.
$10,000 to train and support 20 peer educators to sustain HIV awareness creation and to support 20 women living with HIV supported with start-up capital and technical assistance to set up income generating activities.
$10,000 to train selected women living with HIV or caring for persons living with HIV in vegetable farming and provide them with the input to set up vegetable gardens