Association Wend-Songda
$8,000 to purchase a corn mill and train women in the production of flour and groundnut paste.
$8,000 to purchase a corn mill and train women in the production of flour and groundnut paste.
$1,000 to organize community marches by youth peer educators in three districts (Francistown, Bobonong and Molepolole), targeting the high-traffic bus stations.
$10,000 to fight against stigma and discrimination among students through a variety of awareness creation programmes in 3 secondary schools in Ifangni. Part of the grant was used to produce and broadcast 5 radio programs with a focus on stigma reduction.
$12,000 to provide startup capital for 30 women living with HIV/AIDS, provide them with management training and a literacy program. The project will also train 42 peer educators on HIV/AIDS
$1,000 to educate and sensitize 100 police trainees on the law on violence against women in Benin.
$1,000 to produce 4 radio programs on gender based violence in two local languages.
$15,000 to implement a literacy program, an awareness creation on women’s political participation and to organize 4 step down sessions in selected communities.
$12,000 to translate the abridged version of the Code of the Family into two local languages in Benin (Fon and Aizo) to be used for awareness creation and to conduct an adult literacy program for 150 women
$14,000 to develop a training manual for the training of 30 women in group’s dynamics, leadership skills and conflict management and prevention. The trainees will be supported to ensure the education of communities in conflict resolution.
$15,000 to provide skills training for 40 rural women selected from 2 women’s groups in a rural community of Allada and to purchase 2 food processing equipment for the women’s group.