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Archives by the author: Administration

A little about Administration


Posts by Administration

Cameroon Medical Women Association (CMWA)

$10,000 to train 10 women living with HIV as peer educators to educate their peers on HIV&AIDS issues including prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV&AIDS, sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV; To promote family planning issues and to provide business capital to 10 women living with HIV&AIDS.

Action Group for Community Development (AGCD)

$1,000 to train 20 volunteers of the organisation on gender based violence issues and to create awareness on female genital mutilations in Ngozi District in Burundi where it is still highly practiced.

Réseau SOS Femmes en Detresse – SOS FED

$10,000 to train 20 midwives and 20 nurses on prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV&AIDS; to train 20 women living with HIV&AIDS and 20 female sex workers as peer educators; to undertake HIV education and provide psychological and free HIV voluntary testing for women.

Association Wendinyalgde Solidarité et Développement (A.W.S.D)

$10,000 to process birth certificates and identification cards for 1,000 rural women in Boni, a rural community in Burkina Faso; to conduct 5 training workshops on women’s rights issues for 100 leaders of women’s groups and to conduct a door to door sensitization on women’s political participation.$10,000 to process birth certificates and identification cards for […]