Creative Storm
$25,000 to support a special workshop on women and the music industry and women artists participating in the 2012 High Vibes Music Festival.
$25,000 to support a special workshop on women and the music industry and women artists participating in the 2012 High Vibes Music Festival.
$1,000 to improve HIV knowledge among women workers on flower farms in Lume district of Oromia region of Ethiopia as part of the 2012 World AIDS Day celebrations.
$20,000 to train and equip 30 selected women in tailoring from 3 administrative districts in 3 sub-cities of Addis Ababa to produce eco-friendly bags for sale; equip the trainees with start-up capitals. Part of the grant is for administrative costs.
$6,000 to organize a training of trainers’ workshop on sexual and reproductive rights for 20 paralegals; educate 400 women on gender based violence issues as well as to identify and document some cases of gender based violence.
$10,000 to organize a refresher training on the domestic violence law for 40 paralegals in targeted communities and to organize a community advocacy program.
$10,000 to provide micro credit to 40 women and to train project beneficiaries in micro credit management.
$15,000 to provide training in soap making and small loan facility for 100 Bambuti indigenous women in DRC.
$15,000 to purchase and install 3 corn mills in 3 selected rural communities in Malinde, Kaseke and Sebele.
$1,000 to organize 5 public discussions with 100 couples on the issue of gender based violence and to organize 2 meetings on ways to prevent impunity of perpetrators of violence. Activities also include awareness creation programs among 300 households in Yopugon, a suburb of Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire.
$10,000 to organize a training program for 50 women living with disability on women’s human rights and gender issues and to organize an awareness creation on gender based violence and the rights of physically challenged women.