$20,000 to train TBAs (traditional birth attendants), PHEW (Public Health Workers), CHEW (Community Health Workers) and midwives from 3 selected Local Government Areas (LGA) in issues of FGM and counselling as well as to organize awareness creation activities to educate communities on issues of FGM.
$8,000 to organize training in sexual and reproductive health issues for adolescent peer educators in selected second cycle schools in Abia North Senatorial District of Nigeria.
$1,000 to provide 100 women of reproductive age with comprehensive HIV prevention messages with emphasis on PMTCT; facilitate HIV counselling and testing among women of reproductive age and encourage/support early Ante Natal Care enrolment for the uptake of PMTCT services through traditional birth attendants (TBA).
$15,000 to provide treatment literacy education for women living with HIV&AIDS, educate women living with HIV to access Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services.
$8,000 to train health workers on PTMTC issues and to create community awareness on PTMTC
$1,000 to facilitate the enrolment of pregnant women living with HIV and women living with HIV who recently delivered to access Prevention of mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services in the community.
$10,000 to mobilize and educate about 80 traditional authorities in 3 senatorial zones in Imo State of Nigeria on the need to include women in local governance and gender equality issues and to train about 200 people from selected community based organizations on good governance and human rights.
$30,000 to improve women’s opportunities for entering into politics and governance in two states namely Lagos and Delta States of Nigeria and to mobilize and train 300 women in Lagos and Delta States of Nigeria to participate in partisan politics and seek elective office at the state and local levels in 2015
$15,000 to support the publication of GADA’s newsletter (Women in Public Life) for the period, July 2012 – June 2013.
$15,000 to conduct advocacy visits to 3 senatorial districts in the project state to lobby stakeholders such as traditional and religious leaders, political parties, local communities and women groups identified to conduct media campaigns to raise awareness for women political participation in electoral processes.