Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC)
$10,000 to organize two training workshops and one follow up workshop each for selected women conflict management practitioners and passive victims engaging with conflict in Somalia.
$10,000 to organize two training workshops and one follow up workshop each for selected women conflict management practitioners and passive victims engaging with conflict in Somalia.
$25,000 to implement a project titled “Creating a conducive and safe environment for women’s participation in the November 2012 local government elections”.
$12,000 to organize series of training and educational activities for selected women interested in politics and leadership; undertake advocacy activities to lobby district governing structures and political parties to involve women in leadership positions and all activities during the November 2012 elections.
$15,000 to organize awareness creation activities on the Domestic Violence Act, Devolution of Estate and Registration of Customary marriage and Divorce for 150 rural women, law enforcement officers and traditional leaders in Kailahun and Kono districts. Part of the grant was used to hold radio programmes to educate people on the various Acts.
$40,000 to train women and young women in Njagbema, Buuma and Ngelehun communities in Pujehun, and Bo Districts of Sierra Leone in vocational skills in the area of weaving, soap making and tie & dye making; to support women farmers with training and input. Part of the grant is for Institutional support including the purchase […]
$5,000 to support the seed capital of UWDP’s revolving loan scheme to reach more rural women engaged in petty trading and food production.
$5,000 to organize a training program in feminism theory, women’s human rights and communications skills for selected young girls from Senegal, Mali and Gambia and to organize an intergenerational dialogue.
$20,000 to educate and incorporate young women into the women’s movement in selected Francophone countries through training programmes around feminism theory and the organization of an intergenerational feminist dialogue.
$1,000 to conduct one-day training on gender based violence prevention.
$1,000 to organize a football tournament as a means to educate and sensitize the community about HIV&AIDS and the significance of Voluntary Counseling and Testing.