Forum for Community Change and Development (FOFCOD)
$15,000 to conduct series of educational activities within selected communities and school visits to promote women’s participation in political and leadership processes.
$15,000 to conduct series of educational activities within selected communities and school visits to promote women’s participation in political and leadership processes.
$50,000 to enable it host and undertake follow up activities for the 2012 biennial assembly in Johannesburg, South Africa from 29 October to 2 November 2012.
$50,000 to support the hosting of the Biennial Conference in Africa in November 2012 in Johannesburg South Africa.
$10,000 to provide psychosocial and legal assistance to survivors of rape and women living positively in Sisonke and Amathole municipalities.
$1,000 to train a number of prisoners as peer educators on HIV&AIDS within the prison in collaboration with the prison authorities.
$2,700 to enable its Executive Director (Prudence Mabele) to attend and present a paper at the International AIDS Conference.
$15,000 to promote and support women’s effective participation in traditional councils through intensive training for women councillors and some traditional leaders.
$30,000 to support women in the arts through the organization of one intensive rehearsal and workshop for a feature film called ‘Tell me sweet something’.
$15,000 to organize a 3 day national workshop to educate the minority women on leadership issues and the need to actively participate in the forthcoming Municipal and Parliamentary elections in Somaliland in 2012.
$10,000 to train members of relevant governmental and nongovernmental organizations on detection of signs of sexual violence and provision of specific assistance;