$8,000 to set up and equip a literacy centre in Mwenga in DRC. The Mwenga community is highly deprived with a high illiteracy rate. Radio programmes on women’s rightswill be used to supplement the adult literacy programme as a means of boosting the status of women in the community.
To support the participation of the Executive Director in a workshop organized as part of the International Women’s Summit in Nairobi.
$12,000 to train 60 Bambuti indigenous women in soap making as a means of increasing their income levels. The trained women are expected to pass the skills on to others after gaining the knowledge. This is a group of women who are badly marginalized within the Congolese culture, which leaves them particularly vulnerable. The improved […]
$1000 to organize a one day training workshop on gender based violence issues and organize community awareness creation activities on the need to curb violence against women
A contribution of $15,000 to organize the young women feminist forum in Central Africa.
$1000 to print T shirts, undertake a route march, radio and community education as well as HIV VCT services as part of the 2011 World AIDS day celebrations.
A contribution of $3,800 to enable the participation of a staff member in 2011 ICASA
$15,000 to purchase corn mills and award credits to widows living with HIV/AIDS to engage in income generation activities
$15,000 to produce a shadow report on Cameroon for presentation to the CEDAW Committee. The grant will also support 2 women to participate in the conference.
$1,000 to carry out HIV counseling, create awareness on safe sex and organize educative talks on HIV