$30,000 to provide training, mentoring and capacity building for 15 female lawyers from the Greater Accra Region; to organize awareness and sensitize activities on laws promoting and protecting women’s rights through radio programmes. Part of the grant will be used to provide legal aid support for 50 women.
$40,000 to support the production and airing of the Standpoint programme on Ghana Television for a period of one year. This is a TV programme that discusses issues very pertinent to women. Many of the issues covered are rarely discussed in public
$20,000 to make a documentary on the life and works of Mrs Naa-Morkor Busia, dubbed‘Portrait of a First Lady’. Part of the funds was to support a photo exhibition of her life and works as the wife of a Prime Minister. This is part of the process of celebrating women and raising the voices of […]
$20,000 to support staffing and administrative needs of the organization and also to support its scholarship scheme for girls’ education.
$10,000 to economically empower selected women in rural Northern Ghana with a piggery and goat rearing project.
$25,000 be awarded as institutional support to cover personnel development, communication and transportation, documentation and a media campaign to address issues facing women in business enterprises. The campaign will also seek to influence a paradigm shift in the way banks see women as clients.
$5,000 to support the construction of a gari processing workshop, purchase 20 steel gari frying pans and 2 hand/push trucks.
$4,000 to support the trading and farming activities of the group members.
$3,000 to support the processing of Moringa through the purchase of equipment.
$4,000 to organize training in enterpreneurship, business management and employable skills (fruit juice, jam, cereal processing, pomade and soap making) for members of the group; to provide startup capital to the trainees to start up their own small scale business enterprises.