Reach Out Cameroon (REO)
$12,000 to provide seed capital to 3 female headed associations of HIV/AIDS infected and affected women as well as to train project beneficiaries in micro credit and income generating activities management.
$12,000 to provide seed capital to 3 female headed associations of HIV/AIDS infected and affected women as well as to train project beneficiaries in micro credit and income generating activities management.
$12,500 to organise a training programme for 20 animators and 50 political leaders on leadership and electoral processes.
$10,250 to advocate for the formation of a gender task force in 10 councils in the Bakassi in the Southwest region of Cameroon.
$15,000 to train 20 commercial sex workers in modern methods of animal husbandry and to help establish income generating activities for them.
$15,000 to improve on the socio-economic status of women groups in poor settings through enhancing crop and livestock productivity.
$14,000 to organize two educational fora on the 1325 UN Security Council Resolution and to translate the abridged version of the instrument into Kirundi.
$6,000 to train selected women in agro pastoral farming and new cultivation methods.
$12,000 to scale up HIV prevention education with emphasis on anti-stigma education through the training of 60 community animators who will lead the fight against the spread of HIV.
$20,000 to establish a strong beekeeping cooperative of 55 women in Sissili in Burkina, to train members in group dynamics and strengthen their capacities, to establish a micro credit scheme for the members and to train members of the cooperatives in modern farming methods.
$20,000 to organize training workshop for selected service providers to enhance their capacity to handle GBV cases with sensitivity and effectively.