Women’s Economic Security & Justice

Strengthening African women’s economic autonomy and supporting activism for economic justice AWDF supports interventions that seek to increase women’s economic decision-making power at micro and macro-levels, demand more equitable law and policy in economic spheres, and create an enabling environment for women to thrive including in relation to the physical environment and impacts of urbanization.

  • Increasing acknowledgment of and protections around women’s economic activities and contributions (including the role of market women, informal sector labour, unpaid care work)
  • Advancing food sovereignty and the leadership and participation of women as Africa’s majority food producers, particularly in decision-making around food and agriculture
  • Defending women’s land, property and inheritance rights
  • Supporting sustainable livelihoods initiatives for African women that are designed to impact on rights outcomes and are based on effective and just business models (sustainability, equity,
    profitability and growth potential as well as improved representation in economic decision
  • Securing women’s housing rights, particularly in the context of urbanisation
  • Strengthening women’s rights in actions on climate and environmental justice

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Women's Economic Security & Justice