World AIDS Day 2016
Despite important progress, the HIV/AIDS pandemic continues to impact the lives of women and girls, with African women still disproportionately infected and continuing to carry the work of care and support at community and family level.
HIV prevention remains a concern, as rates of new HIV infections are not declining as hoped. Young African women aged 15-24 account for 25% of new infections in sub-Saharan Africa – a statistic that shows a need to keep our focus on young women’s lives and rights.
For World AIDS Day 2016, AWDF is offering grants to support activities by African women’s organisations focused on young women’s bodily rights, HIV prevention, and intersections with violence against women. We encourage approaches that address the underlying needs to support young women to make positive choices around their bodies and health, and build societies that support their right to live free from violence in the context of HIV and AIDS.
We particularly welcome applications from organisations of women living with HIV, groups of women living with disabilities, and from young women’s groups. AWDF encourages innovation- so do send in your creative ideas!
About the World AIDS Day Grants
Every year on 1 December we commemorate World AIDS Day, as an act of solidarity with people living with HIV and AIDS, and an opportunity to remind duty bearers and society at large to keep the focus and momentum on HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
AWDF instituted the World AIDS Day (WAD) grants programme to support women’s rights organisations to actively participate in the global campaign andkeep African women’s priorities around HIV&AIDS on the African and global agenda. The programme seeks to support women’s organisations to raise their voices and support the leadership of women living with HIV&AIDS
The WAD programme provides a maximum grant of $1000 to women’s organisations. The activities must promote women’s rights and involve women in planning and leadership of activities.
How to apply
Please follow the application guidelines below. Note that the maximum amount of grant allowed is $1,000. If you are awarded a grant, you will be expected to send in a report of your activities that contain concrete outcome(s) of the activities implemented.
Applicants must fit AWDF’s general grantee guidelines (women-led, African women’s rights organisations).
Questions to answer:
- Name of Organization
- Address (Postal and Physical)
- Telephone and Fax number
- E-mail address, and World Wide Web address (if any)
- Contact person’s name and title
- Who completed this proposal? Please sign and date
- How did you learn about the African Women’s Development Fund?
- What are your organization’s main goals?
- When was your organization formed/
- Who started your organization and why?
- Is your organization local, national, sub – regional, or regional?
- Who are the main beneficiaries of your organization’s activities?
- Is your organization women-led?
- Is your organisation a women’s rights organisation? Do you identify as feminist? (please explain)
3. Activities and / or programs
- What are your organisations key programme areas?
- Describe your organizations present activities and /or programs
- How does the project you are apply for fit into those plans?
4. Structure
- State number of board members, staff, volunteers and members if any. How many are women?
5. Finance
- What is your annual operating budget for the last 3 years (please indicate the total amount raised each year)?
- Who are your donors for the current year?
6. Grant Request Information
- What activities do you plan to conduct on World AIDS Day with funds from the African Women’s Development Fund? Please tell us specifically and clearly what activities the grant will be used for.
- How much money are you applying for?
- What are the key messages that you will use for the World AIDS Day activity?
- What are the objectives of the activity?
- What are the expected outcomes – what do you hope to achienve?
- Who do you plan to involve directly (direct beneficiaries)? How they will benefit?
- How many people do you expect to reach indirectly through the project (indirect beneficiaries). How they will benefit?
- Where will the project take place?
- Provide a detailed budget for the project, if you have prepared the budget using your local currency; please include the US dollar equivalent.
- Please attach a reference letter from one of your donors, an AWDF grantee or a government agency or local authority where the project will be implemented.
- You also must complete a financial management form and an outcome forms
Applications are due by September 12th 2016
Applications should be submitted by email to:
The Grants Administrator, The African Women’s Development Fund
Email: /
If you are not able to send the application by email you may submit it by post to: The African Women’s Development Fund, PMB CT 89, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana
Or in person / by courier at: Plot 78 Justice Sarkodie Addoo Avenue, East Legon, Accra, Ghana.
Along with the Application, please attach the Outcomes Framework and Financial Management Assessment. Both forms as well as the Application are available below for download.
Framework for Measuring Outcomes
Financial Management Assessment Guidelines