13th November, 2009
The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) will be participating in the Fifteen Year Review of the Beijing Platform for Action in Africa, to be held in Banjul, the Gambia between the 16th and 20th of November, 2009. The African governments and civil society organisations will meet to assess progress made on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action 15 years after it was adopted. AWDF is committed to ensuring the full participation of African women’s rights organisations at key regional and international policy as decision making fora. As part of this commitment, AWDF is supporting the participation of 10 African women’s rights organizations, namely:
- Africa Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET)
- Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA)
- Alliances for Africa (AfA)
- International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) – Cameroun
- Isis-Women’s International Cross Cultural Exchange (ISIS WICCE)
- Swaziland Positive Living (SWAPOL)
- Uganda Women’s Network (UWONET)
- Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF/FEDDAF) – West Africa
- Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF) – Ghana
- Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE)
- Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network (ZWRCN)
On the 18th of November 2009, AWDF in conjunction with UNIFEM will hosta side event on “The Economic Meltdown and its Impact on Women and the Achievement of the Gender Equality Targets in Twelve Critical Areas of the Beijing Platform for Action”. This event will be attended by Ministers for Gender/Women Affairs and their technical as well as representatives of civil society organizations. This will be followed by the launch of a coffee table book produced by AWDF entitled, “Voice, Power and Soul: Portraits of African Feminists”.
In her preface to the book, Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi, co-editor and Executive Director of AWDF states: “Some of the faces in Voices, Power and Soul are well known in the international women’s movement and development circles. Many are not. The voices are rich and varied, and while some might carry messages of anger, rage, frustration, and pain, they also talk about hopes, dreams, aspirations and inspiration. The amazing insights and experiences highlighted in this production are reflective of the challenges facing women active in social change movements in Africa today”.
About AWDF
The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is a grant-making foundation, which supports local, national and regional organizations in Africa working towards women’s empowerment. AWDF through institutional capacity building and program development seeks to build a culture of learning and partnerships within the African women’s movement.
The vision of AWDF is for African women to live in a world in which there is social justice, equality and respect for women’s human rights. To this end, our mission is to mobilize financial resources to support local, national and regional initiatives led by women, which will lead to the achievement of this vision.
Press Enquiries
Nana Sekyiamah – Programme Officer (Fundraising & Communications)
African Women’s Development Fund
Plot 78, Ambassadorial Enclave, East Legon, Accra
Tel: + 233 21 521257
Email: nana@africlub.net/awdf
Website: www.africlub.net/awdf