
This is a call for application to grantees seeking to organise activities to mark 16 Days of Activism against Gender based Violence. In order to consider your request for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender based Violence activities, please follow the guidelines below. Please be informed that the maximum amount of grant disbursed per organisation will be US$1,000. Grantees will be expected to send in a report of your activities and expected impact.
- Name of Organization
- Address (Postal and Physical)
- Telephone and Fax number
- E-mail address, and World Wide Web address (if any)
- Contact person’s name and title
- Who completed this proposal? Please sign and date
- How did you learn about the African Women’s Development Fund?
What are your organization’s main goals?
- a. What are your organization’s main goals?
- b. When was your organization formed/
- c. Who started your organization and why?
- d. Is your organization local, national, sub – regional, or regional?
- e. Who are the main beneficiaries of your organization’s activities?
Activities and / or programs
- Describe your organizations present activities and /or programs
- How does the project you are apply for fit into those plans?
Grant Request Information
- How much money are you applying for?
- For what purpose are you seeking a grant for 16 Days of Activism against Gender based Violence from the African Women’s Development Fund? Please tell us specifically how this grant will be used
- Provide a detailed budget for the project, if you have prepared the budget using your local currency; please include the US dollar equivalent.
Applications should be submitted to the following addresses:
The Grants Administrator
The African Women’s Development Fund
Plot 78, Ambassadorial Enclave, East Legon
PMB CT 89, Cantonments
Accra, Ghana
Tel: + 233 302 521257
Tel/Fax: + 233 302 521257
Email: awdf@africlub.net/awdf; gifty@africlub.net/awdf
Website: www.africlub.net/awdf
AWDF lance un appel de demande de subvention à ses organisations bénéficiaires qui souhaiteraient organiser des activités en vue de commémorer la campagne des 16 Jours d’Activisme contre les Violences faites aux Femmes. Dans le but de nous permettre d’étudier vos dossiers nous vous prions de rédiger vos demandes selon le canevas ci-dessous. Veuillez noter que le montant maximum de ces subventions est de 1,000 Dollars US. Il sera demandé aux bénéficiaires de ces subventions d’envoyer à l’AWDF un rapport d’activités et les impacts prévus suite à la réalisation des activités.
- Nom de l’organisation
- Adresse (Postale et Physique)
- Numéros de téléphone et de fax
- Adresse électronique et du site internet (si possible)
- Nom et titre de la personne à contacter
- Qui a rédigé le projet? Veuillez signer et écrire la date
- Comment avez-vous appris l’existence du Fonds de Développement pour la Femme Africaine?
Quel est le but de votre organisation?
- Quels sont les principaux objectifs de votre organisation?
- Quand a été formée votre organisation?
- Qui a formé l’organisation et pour quelles raisons? Donnez-nous brièvement son historique.
- Votre organisation est-elle locale, nationale, régionale ou sous-régionale?
- Qui sont les principaux bénéficiaires des activités de votre organisation?
- Avez-vous déjà bénéficié d’une subvention d’AWDF ? Si oui, précisez
Activités et / ou Programmes
- Quels sont les principaux domaines d’activités de votre organisation ie droits de la femme, émancipations économique, etc.
- Décrivez les activités antérieures de votre organisation.
- Décrivez les activités et/ou programmes actuels de votre organisation.
- Comment le projet pour lequel vous sollicitez une subvention s’intègre-t-il dans vos activités?
Informations Relatives à la Demande de Subvention
- Quel montant de la subvention sollicitée?
- Pour quelle raison sollicitez-vous une subvention du Fonds de Développement pour la Femme Africaine pour les 16 jours d’Activisme contre les Violences envers les Femmes ? Veuillez préciser comment la subvention sera utilisée.
- Veuillez fournir un budget détaillé du projet. Au cas où vous utiliserez la monnaie locale pour dresser le budget, veuillez préciser l’équivalent en dollar américain.
Prière de limiter la rédaction de vos demandes à un maximum de quatre (4) pages
Vous pouvez envoyer vos dossiers à l’adresse suivante
The Grants Administrator
The African Women’s Development Fund
Plot 78, Ambassadorial Enclave, East Legon
PMB CT 89, Cantonments
Accra, Ghana
Tel: + 233 302 521257
Tel/Fax: + 233 302 521257
Email: awdf@africlub.net/awdf; gifty@africlub.net/awdf
Website: www.africlub.net/awdf
Box 13956
Accra Ghana
Skill acquisitions – As a proverbs say, not all hands are equal. The main idea for the formation of the above organization is to create the awareness that some were born with talent, and others have hidden or trained talent within themselves. Unless tap by an experience person that he or she could benefit from the nice talent within him or her.
The unfortunate ones die with their hidden talent since they do not have sound financial backing. The good book of God spoke about a talent person who had 3,4,2, or 1 trade to make it in life. The one who decided not to apply his small talent by protecting it lose it. However, those who made good use of their talent gain more reward.
The organization accepts that every one has a talent or area that he or she is specialized in. We must help to bring out the best in you, by creating avenue where you can develop or lean fast, no matter your financial backing.
our aim is to adopt a low class community, assist the poor youth to get a trade. Since a sound mind builds a sound body, we can help the authorities in the various low class communities. starting from Asiedu Kateke. Even though not a rich organization, the youth must not expect any payment as monthly salary from the organization, if there is any donation or gifts; the above institution will not hesitate
to share part of it among participants of that group.
We must not think of the money, but what the youth will gain to make his or her future bright. for we must start to do our best, if we succeed or fail. if we succeed, we shall have the benefit of our success, but if we fail, we will know that our failure does not arrive through any fault of ours.The struggle for existence and success is so great that those who rattle their work in a performance manner have no chance of reaching their goal, skills acquisition leading to the key to civilization.
Among all the over one hundred and thirty district it is Asiedu Keteke which is regarded the poorest district, even though it woes the first that the 1st president of Ghana proclaim independence for the republic of Ghana. Also the 1st constituency in parliament Odododiodio. we have the supreme, court, SFO, Bank of Ghana law school, makola market, children hospital, Usher fort, and James fort prisons, city engineers, electricity company of Ghana head office, national head quarters of scout movement, Shell head office and likes.
however, if you look in term of development the district is lacking. look at the beaches, Salaga market, schools roads, gutters, building employment levels, low poverty level, and high illiteracy rate, teenage pregnancy due to poverty, school dropout, and chieftain disputes here and there .
It is the duty of the authorities to forgot about the politics and create peace among the people to move the district forward in terms of other assistance given to the other district. The organization is choosing this district to create awareness to the authorities to address the above mention issue observed by the organization.
In our effort to help address the above problems, we will select a few youth from this community.Give them good job training for them to help train others in their communities
Development partners: this will enable our noble organization to grow very fast and strong. Note: we are to help the authorities to eradicate the spread of malaria and other preventable disease like cholera, typhoid ect for children under 15 years.We go from house to house, village to village, town to town, and from school to school. By helping the people to keep clean and healthy environment. We wish you send us a technical team or a supervising office to facilitate our work. ( As we may need, some working tools which may come from the head of that department.) A secretarial office to conduct the various volunteers groups, a land for skill acquisition training center , to give scholarship for talented skills person by nature especially those on war zone in west Africa (refugees). Trained them on agricultural, engineering, first aid, disastrous prevention, how to become self employed to help others. We shall need transport and food for our trained volunteers to enable us to work very hard to make Ghana a safe place to live in.
We need your financial and material support now for better tomorrow . Note: health, education and the development of the private sector is the three Area for the countries development.
Skill Acquisition in communities,
Keeping sanitation,
Health for Children Under 15 years,
Counting on your cooperation
Yours Faithfully
Emmanuel Owusu
Global Ideas For Development.
The Community Empowerment Sustainable Program being an organization that striving to create a free gender based community is interested to participate and effect program that send out the message of gender based violence.
@James – Please note that you need to follow the instructions detailed above which includes following the set format for your proposal and sending it via email to awdf[at]africlub.net/awdf
Do we use the outlined format above or you have specific template.
@ Paul and All – Please use the outlines format as above
L’Association des Femmes Rurales de Lutte pour leur bien être et les droits de la femme et des filles « A.F.R.L. » d’Uvira, province du Sud Kivu en Republique Democratique du Congo, a dans ses objecifs premieres la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes et a la jeune fille. Quoi de plus important que d’avoir l’opportuinute de manisfeter et faire des activites contre les violences faites aux femmes.
Veuillez avoir l’amabilite de nous en parler plus.
Madame Sangaimene Louise
Presidente de l’AFRL
This is a great move which requires prompt responses from all world citizens especially the CSOs and individuals from African countrieslike Uganda.
Northern Uganda Press Association Project will use this ample opoprtunity to launch its nascent community based media body with national outlook in Uganda and beyond.
War against domestic violence, discriminations against women, and gender equality are some of our prime objectives in the NUPA media project which has not yet got founding for capacity building.
Our proposal will be dominated by public awareness communication campaigns for sustainable community and individual empowerment.
This is a great move which requires prompt responses from all world citizens especially the CSOs and individuals from African countries like Uganda.
Northern Uganda Press Association Project will use this ample opportunity to launch its nascent community based media body whose objectives cover national outlook in Uganda and globally.
War against domestic violence, discriminations against women, and gender equality are some of our prime objectives in the NUPA media project which has not yet got founding for capacity building.
Our proposal will be dominated by public awareness communication campaigns for sustainable community and individual empowerment.
We have been involved in some limted wareness raising in such issues as the need to implement CEDAW among others.
Im the Executive Director of INTEGRATED COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS – UGANDA .This is an opportunity for our organisation. We are going to apply
Thank you for supporting women empowerment.
is this application only for those who work/stay in Africa or we from other country can apply?
Si nous nous taisons et ne faisons rien qui pourra le faire à notre place? de fois le silence est complice : il est grand temps de se mettre de bout de dire non et faisant des actions qui accompagnent nos paroles. le changement est un processus de la même manière que le voyage mais il faut oser, essayer, tenter car un seul pas fait pour un long voyage diminue la distance même sans s’en rendre compte.
Beatrice Kabamba
Bukavu RDC
AFIA-FEV Association des Femmes Infirmières pour lutter contre la violence faite à la femme
Dear Collegue Is the sponsorship only open to residents and organisations in Ghana. I am a Mosotho and would like to appy for the grant.
gender base violence we should started teaching our children and a high school level because most of those student go to marriage at a younger age so our organization deal with environmental conservation but when i see environment it means a lot to me
I am the Projects Coordinator of Gulu Artilive Peace Artists Organization in Northern Uganda a community based youth Organization planning to apply. Are we qualified to apply?
We are from India, shall we apply for AIDS DAY grant and grant for 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
To correspond with 16 Days of Activism, The Greater Los Angeles AmeriCorps Alums Chapter is planning a Gender Sensitivity Training event, which will utilize curriculum from the American Friends Service Committee’s Help Increase the Peace Project. The training will be co-sponsored by LA Works, another LA based non profit focusing on community, service learning, and human rights. The title of the event is “Myths about Gender Sensitivity: For males in the US involved in women’s rights groups”.
The agenda will include a group discussion of topics around gender issues, including stereotypes, gender differences, and role-play activities, in which males will be encourage to play the assumed role of a woman in order to become more compassionate about what women endure as humans, though they are often treated like second class citizens.
Communication and conflict resolution exercises, followed by a video and discussion of male feminist Ken Booth, will further reinforce the need for more men to become understanding of the need for gender equality. This pilot project will establish the foundation for a program to be replicated and facilitated to male youth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in other areas of Eastern Africa. The international focus is particularly on youth being re-integrated into society commonly referred to as Ex-rebels, who become “New Citizens” with such projects.
Darren Bunton
United States
Eway Foundation, Executive Director
c’est une belle opportunité pour les associations féminines de montrer leur engagement quant à la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes. Je suis la responsable d’une association de jeunes femmes et filles basée au Burkina Faso et nous souhaiterons soumettre un projet.
Burkina Faso
I am overwhelm on behalf of our organization to send female representative in any of your up coming events.
We are base in Central Africa specifically Cameroon, we are contrat4ed in carrying out tinge and women counseling in our organization while improving on social welfare of rural women in economic prospective.
We are base in the southwest region of Cameroon, we also give donations and support to orphanages in Cameroon.
Contact us through.
Tell+237 33 32 3524/ 33 10 16 08
Po,Box: 507 Molyko Buea
Fax:+237 33 32 35 24
Molyko buea.
We are the local Organization Named Horizon Social Assistance Development Organization Based in Hargeisa Somaliland East Africa,
This organization was established to promote the basic social needs particularly Human Rights, Education, Health, environment and rural development, mental health care and feeding centers, youth skill creation and orientations.
We have the legal rights of govermental registrations of all mentioned activities and work with.
so far we approach to participate this opertunity of the 16 days of activism against Gender based violence with a grant of $1000.
i wil resend any required conditions including work plan, organizational documents and other required documents.
By: Mr. Mustafe Good Nuur.
Horizon Chairperson:
Email: horizon-social-affairs@hotmail.com or mgoodnuur74@hotmail.com
Tell: 00252 2 4404806
Head Office Hargeisa Somaliland
26 june Radio Street
I am a man from Ethiopia recently serving as an officer if SNNPR, Women Children & Youth Affairs Bureau. as known by your organizatio9n the region where I am serving is charaterized by high prevalence of GBV. is that possible?
I work with an Organisation called Malaria, AIDS and Rights Organisation in Central Uganda, is it okay to apply for the World AIDS day and the 16 days of activism against Gender Based Violence?
Kentaro Harriet
Is it permissible to apply for both grants at the same time? I am Executive Director of Child Aid Organization Kenya, an organization that works to prevent gender and sexual abuse of children and young women in Kenya.
Would you look at proposals from South Africa?
Kind regards,
Hayley Ross
Hi Hayley,
Yes we do accept proposals from South Africa. Please note that the current call for proposals is only for “World Aids Day’ and “16 Days of Activism”
Are smaller grassroot organisations which we are mentoring allowed to apply and access funding through us?Of course with appropriate logistical arrangements made ?
@All – Thank you all for the interest you have shown in partnering with the African Women’s Development Fund to empower women. Please all those interested in applying to the AWDF for fund should kindly use the appropriate guidelines as found on our website. In addition you will have to complete the financial management audit forms and submit together with your applications
@Zi Moyo – AWDF has the small grants programme that caters for small and vibrant women’s rights organizations and groups based in Africa. Using the appropriate forms and completing the financial management forms (all available on line), small organisations are allowed to apply for a grant not exceeding $5,000. Organisations with bigger capacities can apply for up to a ceiling of $50,000 per year.
@Tom Omwenga &aKentaro Harriet – Hello Tom & Harriet you can only apply for one grant at a time
@ Anjana Prasad – Hello Anjana unfortunately the AWDF mandate covers only Africa
@Kumbachew Kebede – Yes AWDF supports organizations working on GBV
@Dennis – Hello Denis, AWDF has a Sports, Arts & Culture thematic area that supports females working in that field or works that seeks to promote women’s empowerment
@Rethabile – AWDF’s support covers the entire African continent
Beatrice Boakye-Yiadom
Grants Manager
I am writing from Malawi, we have just submitted our proposal on 16 Day of Activisim against GBV for 2011, is there any other additional information, which will be needed to accopny our proposal.
Je suis contente de savoir qu’il y a un fonds de ce type. Je suis Présidente Nationale de l’Association Camerounaise des Femmes Juristes. Je vais soumettre un projet pour le compte de mon organisation. Merci pour cette initiative et longue vie au Fonds.
Djessi / Cameroun
bonjour, nous sommes contentes que IANSA prenne des telles initiatives pour appuyer les actions sur terrain de certaines organisations (comme la nôtre, SDIF, asbl) qui n’ont pas beaucoup d’opportunité pour décrocher des financements dans un pays (RDC) où il faut “être connu” pour bénéficier de quelque chose.
Nous osons espérer que nous obtiendrons un financement.
Madeleine MONGA, SDIF, asbl, Nord-KAtanga, RDC
I am the Executive Director of Nkomazi Community Advice Office, requesting you to inform me about all proposals of upcoming events and workshops.
I thank you
Im a co founder of kelami blessed productions.we have a group of young boys/girls doing stage plays like drama,poetry,singing etc. Real life issues lyk woman nd child abuse,hiv/aids,teenage pregnancies etc,are tackled. This project was formed to keep teens off the streets and reduce crime.we are now looking for sponsorships. Please make known of any sponsorship proposal by email or sms to 0737105414 . Giving thanks.
Juste pour savoir si vous continuer a recevoir des propositions pour le 16 jours d’activisme contre les violences faites a la femme.
Nous comptons organiser pendant cette periode une serie de dialogue femme avec la police
Franche collabaration
Iam a Training Officer for Nkhotakota Business Development Centre in Nkhotakota, in the Central Region/Lilongwe here in Malawi, our organization focuses on improving business performance of rural enterprises by bringing business development services within their proximity. we conduct training in Entrepreneurship and business management, Vocational, Financial and market linkages. If any proposal of the nature of what i have said arises, please let me know. e-mail:julius.kamwendo@ymail.com
Dear management
I am made to understand that African womens development fund (AWDF) supported the activity to mark the sixteen days of activitsm and on this note we wish to inquire whether this support can still be available this year 2012 as we highly wish to submit our concept so as benefit from this support. especially world aids day.
emoruoit silver
coordinator katakwi childrens voice
When proposals are to be sent for 2013? Ciseap sierra leone program manager
@Aminata – Proposals can be sent in at any time
We are the Cuncil of Heirs Intenational missions based in Cameroon Central Africa .We are into capacity building HIV and ADIS how can we partner together?
When is the deadline for the submission of request for fund to implement activities to mark the 16days of activism against Gender based Violence for 2013.
Thank you