06 May 2014
An open letter to African Leaders and Global Opinion Leaders
Written by the Positive Women’s Network
We, Women in the Positive Women’s Network appeal to you to hear the 239 families, who have lost their daughters, whilst they were at school, and were abducted by vicious men, as punishment for pursuing education- a basic and universal right for children of the world, and now we are told the girls will be sold into slavery. We appeal to you to intervene in order to secure their immediate and safe return to their families.
By now it is known that on 15 April, 2014 230 young girls were abducted from Chibok Government School by Boko Haram Terrorists, under the cover of darkness. Since then, more than 21 days and nights have passed, there has been no indication of where the girls are, nor the conditions under which they are being kept. As women we know and share the debilitating anxiety and pain which comes from not knowing where or how our loved one’s might be. We are concerned that the shared hope we hold, that seeking the education that was to transform their lives has led into this unimaginable horror and nightmare.
We urge that it is of utmost importance that the girls are found and restored to safety, for the future of all young girls in the Continent. We believe that unless the perpetrators of this vile act are apprehended and brought to justice, the right of every young women, to education, is at stake.
Yours sincerely,
Prudence Mabele
Executive Director
Positive Women’s Network
Suite 2
2 Hood Avenue
Tel: +27.11.447.7063
Fax: +27.11.447.7313
Email: pmabele@pwn.org.za
Email: pmabele@mweb.co.za