AWDF has supported 15 grantee partners across the continent to carry out a range of activities to mark World Aids Day. The following are examples of some of the work that grantee partners will carry out.
The ‘Centre for Legal Rights Education, Advocacy and Development (CLREAD)’ in Kenya will undertake an HIV prevention education among Kodiaga female prisoners in Kisumu Kenya. Penal institutions are one of the sites most affected by HIV but rarely receive the needed attention. Critical HIV prevention information and skills is needed to manage the spread of HIV. The project will provide the needed information to set the pace for HIV prevention in the Kodiaga female prisoners in Kisumu Kenya.
In Zimbabwe, ‘Student’s And Youth Working on Reproductive Health Action Team’ (SAYWHAT) have been supported to educate women students of Harare Institute of Technology on the effective use of female condoms. The project will use diverse strategies including social media; a Candlelight Memorial; A Paper Doll Campaign and the use of a Young Women’s Female Condom Dress. Although the project will take place at the Harare Institute of Technology, students from 6 other local colleges in the same province will also be beneficiaries of this initiative.
In Ethiopia, ‘Kulich Youth Reproductive Health and Development Organization’ (KYRHDO),will promote Voluntary Counselling and Testing as well as Prevention of Mother to Child Services amongst women workers on 2 flower farms in Lume district of Oromia region of Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s flower industry is a booming business, and there are growing concerns that little is being done to address the AIDS pandemic in an industry notorious for attracting a transient, uneducated workforce vulnerable to the virus. This project therefore is initiating the awareness and attention needed to address the pandemic among workers on flower farms. The project will be implemented in two flower farms
Other groups supported include:
Center for Community Empowerment (CECOE) – Kenya
Human Care and Maintenance Foundation (HUCAM)- Ghana
Socioserve-Ghana (SSG)
Ndola Nutrition Group – Zambia
Youth Impact Organization- Malawi
Women’s Rights & Democracy Centre (WORD Centre) – Liberia
Community Volunteer Initiative for Development (COVOID)- Uganda
Slum Women’s Initiative for Development (SWID)- Uganda
Loving Hand – Zimbabwe
Centre for Health Development and Capacity Building (CHDCB) – Nigeria
Girls To Mothers’ Initiative (G2Mi) – Nigeria
Southern African Media and Gender Institute (SAMGI)
This are some of the Photos of CLREAD project in Kodiaga Women Prison Funded by AWDF. The project provided the needed information to set the pace for HIV prevention in the Kodiaga female prisoners in Kisumu Kenya.