It is the pleasure of African Women’s Development Fund to announce that they are now accepting proposals for grants concerning HIV/AIDS. Below is a link to the proposal document which applicants may download.
Please remember to fill in the Guidelines AS WELL AS the Financial Management Assessment Document, both downloadable from here:
Financial Management Assessment Guidelines AWDF Grant Applications 2012
Applicants can also send a request to AWDF at titled “HIV/AIDS Grants” to be emailed the guideline documents, if for any reason, they are unable to download it from the website.
Its great to learn of yet another grant opportunity. Thank you AWDF. Better HAG Uganda will forward an application with pleasure. Lets all work towards “Getting to Zero”
we thank our God for that great opportunity. Thanks AWDF so much Kenya is ready to make sure that, its zero.
From Kenya we are so much great for the opportunity. We thank AWDF for fighting against it.
We appreciate the efforts by AWDF to again issue out a new RFA on HIV/AIDS thematic area- We are committed to again push in our proposal as we work hard to fight HIV/AIDS in Uganda- and supplement the Uganda Govt to realise MDG 6 of combating HIV/AIDS by the year 2015 ( UN MDG Declaration 2000)- Grace Bataringaya- Community Volunteer Initiative for Development-(COVOID)
This is great news focusing on the HIV/AIDS thematic area. Rural women are more exposed to this deadly disease but are still ignorant of its negative effect on the families and community. Tradition and culture continues to make them vulnerable.
AWDF’s initiative in this direction will surely minimize the risk among especially rural women and young girls. With your support, we are ready to take the venture and contribute to “Zero Infection”.
Doris Kallon
Gender Advocacy and Women’s Empowerment (GAWE) Coordinator
Future Focus Foundation
Kenema, Sierra Leone
i couldn’t download the form so pls send me a text copy
Fyne Otokito
Its great to finally come across an organization that realizes the need to capacity build women and girls on their reproductive health especially since sex is still a taboo topic in many rural areas in Kenya, more so with the breakdown of our traditional structure that tackled such issues within context and we wonder why our girl child is still under achieving despite the educational boost they have been given.
Thank you AWDF, we look forward to sending you a proposal that we hope will meet your standards
Janet Kithome,
Women and Children Alternative Lives (WACAL)
its a great progress to build the capacity of women on SRH in the rural communities i hope our communities in Nigerian will benefit especially in Norther Nigeria.
We are happy to learn of the new grant award to you. May God bless the work of your hands. Is it possible for us also to send in a proposal?
This is great news for all those involved in HIV/AIDS care intervention strategies…..thank you AWDF for supporting these initiatives. I am sure with your support, the positive impact will be realised.
This is great news for organisation like us who struggle with securing funds for HIV/AIDS issues and in finding ways to empower women.
This is great news for women organisation
Hallo I am very ecited I am in the early stages of full filling my dreams to fight for Human rights finding this corner where I am realy supported financially its a great opportunity to me . I will soon our organisational proposal for fund we salute you.
Dorothy Tanzania
On behalf of the new tremendous hope organisation and Kipromeda ltd,we real appreciate Awdf for support and opportunities ,our dreams wil be fufilled,where we play part on struggle for women on empowerment in term of education,health and economic means_from Tanzania
Marginalised women, especially poor women in rural communities are especially vulnerable.
Sexual Harassment is another issue that concerns HIV/AIDS and which impacts on women’s incomes.
This absolutely wonderful ! we must rally efforts towards building a healthy woman because, having a healthy woman means a HEALTHY NATION AND A HEALTHY WORLD !
Congratulations AWDF
We love you all
Félicitation pour ce merveilleux travail que AWDF fait tous les jours pour l’essort, la promotion et l’autonomisation de la Femme! et surtout la Femme Africaine.
Courage, Courage , Courage!!!!!!
Madeleine SEN
Supporting mothers is supoorting a nation as awhole. I am very greatful for those who realistically give in their live for orphans specically the girlchild. Now is the time to do not to talk good about subject like HIV/AIDS and its repacations. The question should be “What am I doing not what are we to do” What am I doing to solve the problem above should be the issue now. alot has been said but little done. Now i am on the ground those who what to join hands with me , now is the time.
I live in southwestern part of Uganda. I am a Uganda & I love Uganda and all People therein.
Hi all, Im frm Kenya and I love african women development fund its my hope,home and a team for empowering other womens.. Keep it up.!
this is great news for all women activists. Community Awareness and Response on AIDS (CARA) is glad to respond. Thank you
On behalf of Dyero kwo Post test Club, we are grateful to AWDF for your continues effort, please rest assured we shall response to your call for proposal. Best wishes and God’s Blessing to you all.
From Northern Uganda Kitgum District.
Mystica Grace Canrac
On behalf of Restored hope Foundation for Rural Development , i want to thank very much for the AWDF for the grant. Malawi women will benefit from it and we are going to submit our request. May God richly bless so much
Lucy Ndiwo
Women’s Advisor
It is wonderful to see your organization fighting for HIV/AIDS eradication. Good job. Kurte Cameroon.
Can you please send me a copy of the application form. I could not download it
Great job! is there a call for proposal in 2013?
@Shayo – You can apply to AWDF at any point in the year
It is great to have AWDF which has assisted women since its inception continue with rhe good work Umoja Womens Health Supports and implements your initiatives.Long live AWDF. Long live Women.