Facebook, Twitter, Blogging…the world of social media has grown exponentially in what appears to be a really short period of time? How does one keep up? How do you decide if it is an appropriate use of your time?
I have very recently started playing on twitter in a quest to figure it out. After all as a Communications professional I need to keep up to date with new media and today I discovered that @ in twitter enables you to respond to other people’s tweets. I only did @ to someone because I saw they had referred to me in that way and then I clicked on @ [my username on twitter] and realised I had loads of responses to previous updates I had given on twitter. The other rationale to at least play with social media is to keep up to date with new language. I have been seeing comments on FB (Facebook) which started with @ and now I know @ means reply to… I think I am beginning to understand why some people say they are addicted to twitter
By the way to follow AWDF on twitter visit http://twitter.com/awdf01
Are you on twitter? What value has it added to your organisation, life or business?
Nana Sekyiamah
Programme Officer
Fundraising & Communications
Twitter was something that I really didn’t understand and couldn’t see for the life of me the value of. But then I decided to try it and created an account last year. Still not seeing the point, I neglected thw account.
However, I resumed using it and I’ve definitely seen some value in it. It’s a way to get quick responses to questions. It’s also allows you to be part of a fast moving discussion or receive second-by-second updates (the post-election violence in Kenya in Jan 2008 is an example; the recent Skoll Forum on social entrepreneurship is another).
The # symbol is used to tag. I’m slowly starting to learn more about it as I use it more. I’m also integrating it with my blog.
Ore thanks for this really useful information…and there I thought the symbol meant reply to.
The @ symbol is to reply.
This is a new resource developed by DigiActive: http://www.digiactive.org/2009/04/13/twitter_guide/ on using Twitter for activists. I haven’t read it yet, but I believe it should be useful.
Thanks Ore! Will check out the link provided