African Philanthropy

There are more efforts between philanthropic organisations to strengthen common initiatives than ever before. Here are a few ways that AWDF is focusing its efforts on development, poverty alleviation, social justice, economic empowerment, women’s human rights, and more.

The African Philanthropy Network
The African Philanthropy Network (APN) is a continent-wide network of African grantmaking organizations that facilitates networking and experience-sharing among established and emerging African philanthropic institutions. The APN aims at consolidating the voice for African philanthropy to address social injustice and development issues on the continent. The inaugural APN Assembly was held in November 2010, with more than 250 participants.

In July 2015, the AWDF will host the third APN Assembly, and will bring together leaders in philanthropy to discuss the growth of African economies through philanthropy development. This year’s theme “Philanthropy in Africa 2015 – People, Policy and Practice,” will include conversations on the impact of governance on philanthropy, while seeking to unearth good practice through knowledge building, research, experience sharing and skills building in each of these critical areas.

The program will foreground contributions to philanthropy in Africa by critical constituencies such as women, youth and other marginalized groups. This exciting action focused program will bring together thought leaders, practitioners, academics, the media and other key actors to the table in Arusha. Learn more.


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The African Philanthropy Award
The AGN African Philanthropy Awards recognize African philanthropists who are committed to lasting institutional change, genuine partnerships with local, national and international communities, and a vision of African agency.

AGN Assembly

African Women Leading Philanthropy
The AWDF is committed to highlighting the stories of incredible African women philanthropists from across the continent and diaspora. In a forthcoming AWDF publication, we highlight how the efforts 18 African women philanthropists have led to transformation and empowerment across the continent.


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The Inyathelo Philanthropy Awards

African Philanthropy