Are you an African women’s rights organisation, activist, practitioner, researcher, storyteller, artist, writer or an individual/organisation who deeply cares about the prevention of Violence Against Women (VAW)?
AWDF is excited to introduce this Introductory Guide for African Women’s Organisations which offers critical insights for you and your work.
The guide is a follow on from the VAW Prevention Primer produced by AWDF and Raising Voices in 2019. It extends to interrogate conventional methods, concepts and tools and offers practical steps into the production, ethics and dissemination of VAW prevention knowledge and evidence.
The primary objectives for this knowledge and evidence Guide are to:
- Describe key terminology, methods, tools, and approaches for evidence generation and knowledge production in the field of VAW prevention
- Broaden the conceptualisation to encourage more African feminist knowledge and evidence production and sharing in VAW prevention
- Provide steps, how-to and ways activists, feminists and African women’s organisations can consciously integrate and advance knowledge and evidence-based VAW prevention.
We acknowledge that for many African women organisations, prevention of violence against women remains underpinned by legacies of systemic erasure, silencing and limited participation in shaping the what and how of knowledge and evidence.
This guide serves to honour the multitude of knowledge that African women continue to create, the process of creating and producing them, and those who make them. It ensures the continued building of interventions that are well-informed, confident, and in solidarity with one another, despite our different contexts on the continent and beyond.