Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)—which include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and mental health conditions—are already leading causes of death and disability for women in many countries across Africa with worrying forecasts for the future. National, regional and global attention with regards to women’s health on the continent however remains largely fixated on infectious diseases and maternal and child health
In an effort to address these gaps and explore the opportunities to better support African women’s organisations around engagement with NCD prevention and control, the African Women’s Development Fund, commissioned a research project to look at:
(1) the scale and key gendered concerns around NCDs and women in Africa;
(2) the key actors responding to the rise in NCDs in Africa;
(3) how these actors are responding and whether gender, equity and rights being considered in these responses; and
(4) the opportunities and challenges for African women’s organisations around engagement with NCD prevention and control and ways to support greater engagement on links between NCDs and women’s rights.
To read the Executive Summary of the Report, click here
For the full report on Women and Non-communicable Diseases in Africa, click here